
Best Cold Email Templates Of 2021

If you're business relies on cold email outreach, then you understand how important finding winning subject lines, copy, and follow-ups are. Your ability to scale literally depends on the cold email templates you're using!

That's why today, we're going to share our absolute favorite cold email templates of 2021 with you to end the year. These templates simply work, and we feel confident that if you're not getting the results you want, these may be just what you need.

Even if you've got a current cold email funnel running that gets good results, you need to keep things fresh. You can try and re-engage old prospects with a new template and potentially win them over.

However you use these templates, one thing is for sure - they work! Before we share them with you, though, we want to go over the different components of a cold email.

The Different Components Of A Cold Email

A cold email consists of different parts, and each of them plays a key role in turning that cold lead into a warm lead, and eventually, a paying customer. If you get one of them wrong, your entire email could end up being an utter disappointment.

As we go through different cold emails, you'll notice we point out certain parts of the template we really like - and in some cases, parts we'd change a bit. So, we're going to break down each part a bit with you here.

The Sender

The first area of customization when it comes to cold email is the sender - this is you. Most people just go with their email, or maybe their full name - John Doe, for example.

But, you can actually tweak the "sender name" to something more personalized or attention-grabbing. Or, if you believe the prospect is familiar with your business, you can change it to something more familiar. Here are some frameworks you can try implementing in your cold emails:

  • Full name – John Doe
  • Full name, Position – John Doe, Director of Content
  • First name, Positon, Company name – John, Director of Content, Quicklines
  • First name (at) Company name – John at Quicklines
  • Company name – Quicklines

As this "sender" text will be one of the first things a reader looks at, don't take it lightly. Try out different options and see what works best for you!

The Subject Line

Of course, the most important component (besides perhaps the leads themselves) in your cold email outreach campaign is the subject line. This is what will determine whether your email gets opened or archived - or worse, marked as spam.

If you don't get this part right, your offer will never see the light of day - always buried in the trash bin of recipients' inboxes. That's why we wrote an entire guide on cold email subject lines. There, you'll learn everything you need to know about the role this "first line" plays in a cold email, and how you can craft a winning versions.

But don't worry - we'll share some of our favorite subject lines with you today, too.

The Intro Text

Along with the sender, intro text often gets overlooked too. But, it can be a great tool in your arsenal when it comes to hooking readers in. If your email marketing platform allows you to easily customize intro text, you need to be doing so.

This is the line of text that appears just below your subject line. When you don't set your own intro text, inboxes will pull it from the first line of your body copy. So, keep that in mind as you construct your own cold email campaigns.

The Body Copy

Then, we've got the body copy - where you introduce yourself to the reader and explain why you're emailing them. If you've got the lead this far - meaning they've opened the email - you want to be careful not to deter them with boring, lengthy body copy.

Be short and concise, moving them onto the next step - the CTA, or call to action. The body copy should simply serve as a way to point out a problem the reader has, and pose your offer as the solution. It shouldn't take more than 2-3 sentences at most - especially for the first point of contact.

The Call To Action

The call to action is where your prospect will decide to either book a call with you, request a demo, click purchase, OR return to their inbox and go about their day. This is why your call to action is so important. Your lead needs to be guided through each phase of the funnel, and the call to action should vary depending on what your offer is.

If you're selling high ticket service, we would not recommend even mentioning signing a contract or anything where they have to think about purchasing. The call to action should encourage them to chat and see if there is a real need for your offer.  Thus, lead them to an appointment booking software or ask them to reply with a time that works for them to chat.

On the other hand, if you're selling a product (even an info product, depending on how expensive) your call to action should be more focused on "get yours now" or something to encourage clicking a button, heading to a product page, and pulling out their credit card to purchase.

Don't worry - each cold email template we're going to share with you will feature a unique call to action you can implement in your own cold email template!

Our Favorite Cold Email Templates Of The Year

Now - we've broken down the different aspects of a cold email template. We're officially ready to share the best cold email templates of the year with you! These are going to work best for different types of offers, so you'll need to really consider that when reading these. Let's get started:

Cold Email Template For When You Have A Tool That Can Help The Prospect

If you're selling a tool or SaaS that can help your prospect, and you know they need something like it - all you have to do is convince them it's worth taking a look at. Here is a template we found that does just that:

Potential Subject Line: Hey - save time & money with [name of tool] - yes, you [first name]!

Cold Email Template:

Hey {first name},

I've got your attention so I'm going to make this quick. My name is [name] and I can help you save time and money with my [tool or SaaS type]

I know you do [line of work where tool or SaaS is necessary] and I know you've probably heard of [competitive tool that industry needs] to [mention benefit, reason, or way of using it].

Have you used one of these yet? If not, here is why you should try mine: [one sentence with a bold claim about your tool or SaaS]

I know it can help you, as it's helped some of your peers such as [Client 1], [Client 2], and more.

If you’d like to explore how our [name of tool] can specifically help you guys, click here to [book appointment, request demo, unlock free trial].



Cold Email Template For When You Are Conducting A Link Building Campaign

Many of our clients are in the SEO space and typically take on link-building campaigns. If this sounds like you, you're in luck. We actually came across an incredible cold email template just for you!

The thing most people get wrong is they conduct outreach hoping to gain a link without offering anything to the recipient. Well, in this template, you show that their audience will benefit from a link to their content! Take a look:

Potential Subject Line: Re: your article on [topic]

Cold Email Template:

Hey {first name},

Just finished reading through [article name, linked] and wanted to personally thank you for writing this up - it was well worth the read and I've already shared it with my own audience!

You clearly put a ton of attention to detail into this content to help your own audience - I can tell. But, I noticed you covered “[anchor/targeted keyword]” in the article without much additional information for the reader.

We just built our definitive guide on [anchor/targeted keyword]. After reading your content, I can tell this is something you'll want to see for yourself: [article url]

And, after reading, I feel like you'll probably agree your readers would benefit from reading this too! If you want to link to it, I'd really appreciate it and would be happy to provide [incentive – (payment, linking to their guide, social share, free trial, etc)].

Regardless, I’ll be back to read each time you drop - keep at it!



Cold Email Template For When You Launch A New Product Or Service

Those first few cold emails you send as you delve into the world of cold emailing are tough. If you're just beginning to offer a product or service via cold email, don't overthink it - just use this cold email template below. While it works best for prospects that have some familiarity with your business, we've seen complete beginners get results with it, too.

Potential Subject Line: Big changes at [company name]

Cold Email Template:

Hey {first name},

Happy {day of week}!

There's been some recent changes at [company] that I think you'll be interested in learning about. We've been hard at work and finally launched [your product/service + short description]. Since you do [line of work], I figured you may want to take a look.

So far, it's been helping companies like [company names + benefits achieved through your product or service]. Would love for you to take a look and get your thoughts, too!

Want to [book discovery call, request a demo, free trial]?



Cold Email Template For When You Want To Book A Meeting With The Prospect

Most of the marketers we see doing cold email are doing so in an effort to book discovery calls or sales calls with prospects. And thus, we want to share one more cold email template with you. We've seen this one work exceptionally well to take someone who knows nothing about you and convince them to get on a call with you!

Potential Subject Line: your phone is ringing

Cold Email Template:

Hey {first name},

[Your name] here with [company name]. I’ve been following you and your work on [topic of interest] for some time now.

What sparked me to finally reach out, in particular, was your recent discussion on [topic they discussed in the blog, social media, etc.]. I really liked how you broke down [call back from the topic they discussed].

I see you also talk a lot about your struggles with [pain point] - we've actually been doing some really unique things at [company name] to help businesses like yours [alleviate pain point]. Want to learn how? Let's get on a call and I can tell you all about it. When works for you?


Need Help Writing Your Cold Emails?

Now that we've shared a complete list of the best cold email templates of the year, you can give these a try yourself in your own campaigns. Keep in mind, though, you're not the only person reading this article. And thus, your competitors are likely forming their own iterations of these templates, which exist all over the internet.

If you really want to get ahead of your competition and start crafting winning cold emails, you need to do the work to come up with your own subject lines, body copy, and angles. But, if you want to automate this a bit and let technology do the hard work, Quicklines is here to help.

How Quicklines Helps You Get Better Cold Email Results

Our email AI writer is the best at what it does - there is no doubt about it. With Quicklines, you're able to print out winning subject lines and cold email copy by clicking buttons - how insane is that?

You're practically guaranteed to increase your open, response, and call booking rates with our AI-powered first-line generator and deep social scraping tools. We aren't just saying that - we've helped marketers just like you generate over $4.7 million in revenue so far using our first lines. Customers have seen a 150% average increase in positive responses, a 4.3x increase in meeting booking rates, and a 333% increase in connection request acceptance on LinkedIn.

If you want to save time while improving the results you get through cold email, then head over to the site and see what it's all about. You can start for free today with a 7-day free trial - you've got nothing to lose!

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